A Sister To Celebrate... Jael Richardson

A Sister To Celebrate
This “A Sister To Celebrate” segment is highlighting Jael Richardson who is a  Daughter, Sister, Wife, Mother, Artist, Actor, Writer and the list goes on! She is way more than a triple threat and has exciting things on the horizon. I am delighted to have had the opportunity to steal some time away from Jael's busy schedule for this interview to have her included on this blog and of course celebrate her!  Please continue reading to learn a little bit more about this incredibly talented woman!


What is your age range?    a) 18-25,  b) 26-40,  c) 41-55,  d) 56-75  e) 75+

Where were you born, raised and what city/country do you currently live in now?
I was born in Mississauga, ON, raised in Mississauga, ON, and now I live 20 minutes away from there in Brampton. Although I also lived Toledo, Ohio on holidays.
What is your educational background /Training?
I studied Theatre and English in University, where I earned a BA from the University of Guelph. I went back six years later to get a graduate degree—and MFA in Creative Writing.

What was the first job you ever had?
The first job I ever had was working as a “journalistic distributor” for the Mississauga News. That’s what I put on my job applications. I was a paper carrier.
What are you doing currently? Passions? Aspirations?
I currently teach at Humber College in their General Arts and Science (GAS) program. I teach literature and essay writing. I am also an artist—an actor, a writer.
One of my biggest dreams was to publish a book. In September 2012 that dream will officially come to fruition. The StoneThrower is a memoir about the lessons I learned from the way my father overcame obstacles to accomplish an unimagineable undefeated record in football; it’s about how race has affected both of us – in different ways – based on the environments we were raised in. It’s about what it’s been like to grow up black in Canada. Check out www.jaelrichardson.com for more information.
What was the journey like to get you where you are today both personally and     professionally?
Amazing. I am blessed. I didn’t realize just how true that was until recently, until I started researching for the book. So it’s been a humbling experience. I’ve learned just how much my parents went through and overcame to provide the lifestyle I’ve enjoyed throughout my childhood.
I love school, I love teaching. Writing has been one of the greatest challenges I have ever faced professionally. It has forced me to use the gifts God has given me, trust my instincts, and leave the rest to readers—which is hard for me because I’m a bit of a control freak. Heading into this final stage of approvals is nauseating and difficult. But it’s also exciting.

What is the best life lesson you were ever given?
Best life lesson I ever learned was from my father. He defines focus. He told me to visualize things happening before you actually get there. He meant it in a game sense—because that’s what he did when he played football. But it really applies to everything. Dream big. See success ahead of you and then run straight for it.
I remember a reporter coming to see my sister play basketball, because she was amazingly talented (and still is). He came early and I started to show off a bit. I amped up my hustle. He leaned over to my mother and said facetiously, “She’s not lacking confidence, is she?” My mother laughed. It’s true. Ask anyone who knows me—as a child or now—I have a big personality. I think it’s because of what my father taught me. I’ve always believed I could do anything. The toughest thing for me has been finding what my thing is. Writing and teaching.
What advice do you have for people wanting to follow in your footsteps?
For people who want to become writers—of fiction or nonfiction, my advice is read read read and write write write. Then do both of those some more. Read things you like and things you don’t like, but write only what you adore talking about.
For people who want to teach, I think it’s most important to find something you love learning about. The best teachers love sharing what their passion is.
Can you tell us 3 of the goals you have in the next 3 years?
This was a tough one, mostly because I have just accomplished a few of my long time goals. I guess this is just the right time to think about it.
                                        1) Publish my first novel.
                                        2) Travel to: England, Jerusalem and/or Japan.
                                        3) Give. More. Often.

    Thank you so much Jael for giving us a quick glimpse of who you are, your passions, aspirations and accomplishments. Can't wait for your book The Stone Thrower to come out in September 2012 so we can celebrate some more!

    For more information or to get in contact with Jael Richardson:
    Check out her website:  http://www.jaelrichardson.com
    Follow her on Twitter at @JaelRichardson
    Email her at: jael.richardson@gmail.com
    Check out her facebook author page: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Jael-Richardson-Author/192594690840229


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