Higher Purpose...

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Have you ever taken a moment to be still and think about where you are in life and felt like there has got to be more? I have.
I've taken moments to do some soul searching and realized that I want to do more, I want to see more, I want to feel more than what I am currently doing, seeing and feeling.
Life goes by way to quickly to not be doing things that you love and there are certainly many things that I love that I am not doing.
I can't tell you how many times I have talked about the fact that I need to change things up a bit and do more but every now and then I find myself in a moment of feeling stagnant.  Lately I have read many inspiriational quotes that basically state that nothing can ever change unless you start doing and although the routines of life take away so much time from the things that you day dream about, it is so important to make living out your passions and dreams a priority. You only get one chance to live the life you want and who wants to get to an age where you look back at your life and see all of the things that you never did for various reasons.
Not Me.
I challenge you to put something in motion that you have always wanted to do and just have never gotten around to doing so. I challenge myself with the same task with the determination to really make it happen.
I am excited to push myself to doing more.
It's time.


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