A Sister To Celebrate... Denise Sargeant

A Sister To Celebrate
We have another “A Sister To Celebrate” segment highlighting Denise Sargeant who I met years ago through my mother and is someone who has supported so many of our community events over the years. She has an amazing personality and an admirable spiritual walk who always carries a radiant smile. She is a woman who has a great love for children, is compassionate and continues to challenge herself by widening her scope of knowledge.    I am so happy that Denise has allowed us to get a glimpse of who she is.   Please continue reading to learn a little bit more about this devoted and vibrant young lady!
 What is your age range?
a)     18-25, b) 26-40, c) 41-55, d) 56-75
My age range is b) - 34
  Where were you born, raised and what city/country do you currently live in now?
I was born in Georgetown Guyana. My family and I came to Canada when I was 10yrs old and have lived in Canada ever since. My current city is Brampton.
What is your educational background /Training?
My educational background is primarily in teaching. I have an Honors BA in English. My educational qualifications are from primary to intermediate which means I can teach from K-12. I have taught only grades 2-4, with aspirations of teaching up to grade 8. I have completed part 1 of my Principal qualifications and will begin working on my Masters sometime in 2013. I always seek to upgrade myself in courses which would be beneficial for my students, as their success is paramount.

What was the first job you ever had?

First official job was as a lifeguard and swimming instructor for the City of Brampton. I was put into swimming lessons in my teen years and realized I loved the water, so I continued to the point of being certified as a Lifeguard/ Instructor. I eventually went on to become a Head Lifeguard/Instructor along with an aquafit instructor.
 What are you doing currently? Passions? Aspirations?
Currently I am a grade 4 teacher at a middle school in Brampton. Middle school life is very busy and you always have to think fast on your feet. My passions are certainly teaching and learning. The classroom is my main focus, but I also enjoy volunteering with Youth Unlimited Time Out for Young Mom’s program where I have the opportunity to learn so much from young, predominantly single moms doing it for themselves. I enjoy learning and applying biblical life lessons from my Christian family and friends both in church and through small group studies. Life itself is always teaching us lessons which we would do well to learn from. My aspirations are to continue teaching, in whatever context God has planned for me. I am pursuing the role of Guidance Counsellor and think that this area of teaching allows me to work more closely with those students who need an extra “guiding” hand.

I have many passions such as helping to make a difference in the lives of those I connect with, so if that's being able to pray for you, listen to you, offer some advice or be a shoulder to cry on, that makes me happy. I would also like to continue traveling as that has become a passion of mine since I took a year off from work 4 years ago and made it to a country on every continent, except for AntarcticaJ Hanging out with friends is my biggest passion. Going to the movies, shopping or just sitting and talking is always energizing, entertaining and encouraging. Finally working out is my favourite hobby. I seek to work out every day, whether in a zumba class, muscle conditioning class or with my trainer. Working the body as hard as the mind and spirit, I believe, are essential to my overall health and development .
What was the journey like to get you to where you are today both personally and professionally?
Personally and professionally, my journey began with always seeking to be involved. Keeping my hands in a variety of areas allowed me to have a variety of avenues that I could take. With teaching, I grew up with a mom who was a teacher, so that was always a potential career choice, coupled with the fact that I was active in my church as a Sunday School teacher and Superintendent along with being a swimming instructor, teaching both adults, teenagers and children. My first year of university, I kept my options open and took a variety of courses to see if any would catch my attention. I applied to the Concurrent Education program in my 2nd year and when I didn't get in, I thought that was my sign to take another avenue, but God had me consistently in an area of working with children, so with perseverance and understanding that when one door closes, better doors often open, I waited and applied to the Consecutive Education Program in my 4th year. With the varied amount of experiences I had working with children and of course the needed good grades, the way was paved for teaching.

What is the best life lesson you were ever given?

*Never judge a book by it’s cover

*Never underestimate anyone

*Everyone is capable of accomplishing great things

*Get to know those you know least about, instead of judging from afar

*If the door of opportunity has been opened for you, hold the door even wider for the next person to come through

 What advice do you have for people wanting to follow in your footsteps?

Personally, I would say having the Lord as your personal Saviour is a tremendous starting point, as you not only experience saving grace, but you are entered into a body of believers that are there for you throughout your varied walks in life.

Educationally, if you are thinking about becoming a teacher, start volunteering wherever and whenever you can, as most universities appreciate the varied experiences (working with children, teens, adults) that you bring, rather than simply from the classroom. Think about coaching a team, working in the nursery at church etc. Think also about looking outside of Canada as well for educational opportunities, as there are many jobs available in many parts of the world. I taught for 3 months in London, England as a supply teacher.

Can you tell us 3 of the goals you have in the next 3 years?

1)      to be a home owner

2)     to become a guidance counselor

3)     to be married:)

All in the Lord’s timing, design and will of course.
What is one thing you would have told your teenage self to prepare for the future now that you have had more life experience?
Life is not easy, so don't rush to become an adult.
I would have told my teenage self to follow the same path that I took. Thankfully, I was always a fairly cautious child, teenager, young adult and remain that way as an adult. There are many things that I am willing to try within reason. That being said, there are few things I regret I haven't done. All will be done within its’ own time.
Thanks for the opportunity of sharing a bit about me! Many blessings to you and yoursJ

Thank you so much Denise for taking time out from your busy schedule to allow us to get to know you a little bit more. You are a great inspiration for the present and future generation! 


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