Connecting Friends...

If you are like me, you grew up being somewhat outgoing and having friends for different events, outings or times in your life but keeping those you felt the closest to very close and everyone else was an acquaintance. I had Church Friends, School/Work Friends, Fitness/Athletic Friends, Musician Friends, Multi-Purpose Friends and the list goes on and on.
After some time it got to be very frustrating to have all the friends separated for different things in your life because when that event came up at church where you would only invite your church friends to and they weren’t available, that meant I wasn’t going. Or if there was an event that required me to invite one of my fitness/athletic friends and they weren’t available…well that meant I wasn’t going to that either. It was way too disjointed and I had to take a moment to really figure out why or how I had developed that system.
There is no reason why all of the people I considered friends could not be invited to all or any of the events that I wanted to go to, or to be included in any or all of the things that I was interested in. I just bunched people into a category based on how I met them and realized I have so many friends that are interested in so many of the same things that I am also interested in. It then became a goal for me to slowly connect my group of friends that I considered close friends. Partly because it just made sense for me to do so, and also because I really wanted them to know eachother. I thought the different dynamics in all of my friends would make for some interesting conversations/debates/etc as well as spark some other friendships as well. Thankfully for me it is working and today I have close friends that I call on for any and everything that I might be interested in. I mean really, the worst that can happen is they say, “No thank you that is not for me” and we all keep it moving.
Things have been so much simpler as a result, and I am really enjoying the benefits of having my ladies as a support system as well as connecting them to be support systems for eachother.
Do you have friends that you bunch into different categories? How is that working for you?
Do Share!


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