Happy Halloween...?

 Wait a minute... did this little girl just step into my house after I just poured a handful of chips and chocolate into her bag and tell me that she wants the lollipop too? Pardon?   Really?
Am I on Punk'd?
I couldn't believe it. It's also sad to say she was not the only one.  There were two in total who were brave enough to demand the specific candy that they wanted. As I looked at the little girls mother standing and watching from the sidewalk, while her daughter is stretching her arms to reach into my bowl to pull out the lollipop I could not believe that her mother did not walk up and remove her child from my foyer.  
If it had been my mother...trick or treating would have been done right there and then.
 Halloween is not a holiday for me, I don't look forward to dressing up, I don't decorate the house however I have fond memories of my parents letting me and my brother go out even with their strong religious beliefs. They never wanted to deprive us of the fun that it does bring children to get dressed up in their favourite character and get candy from the neighbours. As long as it wasn't anything too gory or dark it never got any deeper than that. (I was an angel for most of my Halloween adventures lol).  
Not to mention the fact that my parents are from Jamaica and there was no Halloween there so coming to Canada and seeing these people dressing up and coming to their door begging for candy must have been a bit of a culture shock...mind you, I do wish I was there to see the look on their faces when the first child yelled out "TRICK OR TREAT" ha!
 Anyway, the positives were that there were many kids whose parents took the evening as a teaching opportunity as they stood next to them reminding them to say thank you for what they had just received.  And those kids who came looking for canned goods only and wouldn't accept any candy! Very impressed.
 The joy of the moment on most of the kids faces is why I still give out candy...
but little children coming to my house and demanding a lollipop?


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