Truth Days...

Ever have a TRUTH day?
Ever have a day when you just get tired of responding in ways that make a person who has either asked you for your opinion or told you something that requires a response feel comfortable?
I do...
I have decided to label them TRUTH days. I even feel the need to make a sign or a t-shirt that states that it is in fact a TRUTH day and if you are feeling sensitive, or are not really in the mood to hear the truth to not pass go... (monopoly reference-and for those who have no idea what that means sorry)
Now of course the truth isn't always negative but the thing is, people are always ready to hear something positive and uplifitng that you may say but when the response really should be holding them accountable for something, or letting them know that you do not agree with their opinion or simply just giving them the honest opinion they asked becomes an awkward moment that most times I try to avoid and say the neutral thing that will keep that moment moving but somedays I am not interested in walking the line to stifle myself just to make the person standing in front of me comfortable. So as a result, I have deemed these days TRUTH days and when I am having one, I try to make sure that I let people know before they approach. So you see why a sign might be necessary?
Thought you would. LOL!


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