Moving Forward...

The other day I saw the picture above posted on facebook and thought….
”That is so true!”
Well it is definitely something I have experienced and I am sure it rings true for a lot of other women out there.  How many times have we as women stunted our growth by hanging on to something that wasn’t really there in the first place? How many times have we tried to change a relationship into the ideal situation when all that it will ever be is exactly what it is at that very moment and always leaves you feeling unfulfilled?
How many times have we received promises of change, that glimmer of hope that things can and will be different if we just wait a little while longer, or the red flag waving and screaming at us to run away…and fast?
I can only speak for myself when I say that once I realized that I was holding on to a pipe dream of what I imagined to be a “relationship with great potential” I realized that it was time for me to “Let Go and Let God” and believe it or not throughout the process of understanding that,  I became more aware of the fact that it was bad enough that I was allowing someone else to make me feel this way but, sticking around to wait and see now made me the one who was allowing myself to feel that way and be stuck in a “relationship” that wasn’t going anywhere.
The process of recognizing this allowed me to eventually let someone else in.  And with them entering the picture, it was a breath of fresh air; I could finally see the light, I could feel the sunshine and roses that I had seen so many other people experience.  And I have to say it felt and still feels amazing!

Moving forward can be scary, but as they say “nothing ventured, nothing gained”...

NOTE: Creator of the picture...unknown O_O


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