Things I learned in 2011...New Year Resolutions...? (Inspired by Roshini P (Glamazini -

Got Your New Year Resolutions Ready??

I have always thought of my new year resolutions at this time of year and jotted them down in my journal and had every intention of trying to put check marks beside each one. But… each year I have more than I’d like to admit that I have not addressed and this year I decided to look at it differently. What have I learned? What will I carry with me into 2012, what will I make sure I do or not do based on past experience?  I believe that is just as important as setting out new goals. So here is my list…
What I Learned in 2011:

~True love is sweet, patient, and simply wonderful
~True friends are important
~To face your fears
~To never block your blessings
~To tackle those tasks that you often deem impossible
~To take chances when it is worth the risk
~To be more open-minded
~That things change and so do people
~That results only occur when you are consistent
~That old habits die hard
~That there are things on my resolution list that I may not get to
~That sometimes, for certain people, your advice should only be given when asked
~Not to make one a priority when to them you are merely an option
~Communication is so vital for any relationship
~Don’t give up on your dreams

So for 2012... I am claiming all the great things that are in store for me and keeping all the things I learned in 2011 in perspective. 
Happy New Year!


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